Video Tutorial: How to Find a Kita in Berlin

Von Lisa H

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 12 April 2024

Kita search is probably the most talked about topic between new parents 🤪

In this 25-minute video presentation, Kietzee founder Lisa will explain the whole process, from beginning to end.

The video covers the following topics:

  • How the Kita system works in Berlin

  • What you need to do and when

  • What to include in the application

  • How to follow-up on your application

You will also receive links to 13 articles to dig deeper into each of these topics. Plus recommendations for professionals who can support you 1-on-1.

If you're unsure if the video is worth your while, here's what other parents had to say:

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Here is the link to the presentation:

Further Resources

I mention a few articles and follow-on resources that you can use to dig deeper into each topic. So here are the links to the resources mentioned in the presentation:

Personal Assistance

If you need additional assistance, here are three professionals who can help you in finding a Kita spot in Berlin:

Good luck!

Starte dein kostenloses Probe-Abo für Kietzee, um den Rest dieses Artikels und 30 weitere freizuschalten - für jeden Schritt und Teilaspekt deiner Kita-Suche in Berlin. Los geht's!

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