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Founders of Kietzee, Jeff and Lisa

Kietzee's Mission

Hi! We're Jeff and Lisa 👋, parents of two lovely little people and co-founders of Kietzee. Parenthood, especially in a new city, can be overwhelming.

From our firsthand experience, we understand the struggles of finding reliable information, local support, and quality childcare options.

Our mission is to make parenthood easier by connecting families with a personalized platform of vetted resources, expert advice, and a supportive community. We help parents connect with likeminded and like-timed families nearby, making the journey of parenthood easier and less stressful.

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Unsere Community ist ein "Safe Space", in dem ihr Eure Anliegen mit anderen teilen könnt,in dem ihr schnellen Rat von Expert*innen bekommt und Zugang zu unserem Marktplatz habt.
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In the Elterngeld application at some point I get asked about my receiving Mutterschaftsgeld, which I am. So I answered “yes”. Then I get asked “Within what time period do you have this right” and I answered by choosing the period from 6 weeks prior until 8 weeks after my due date. Then below I get asked again “When are you likely to receive Mutterschaftsgeld from your employer?”. The answer is the same period as I wrote above, I guess! I could not think of any different answer 🤔 But I started to doubt about it as this way I'm answering 2 questions with the same answer.
Hi @ExpectingMom , I've asked Elodie to chime in – stay tuned!
Elodie Baby in Berlin (Expert)
@ExpectingMom they are asking for the period after birth only so to be really precise you need to write from “date of birth” to the end of your Mutterschutz (which is either 8 weeks after birth or the due date - whichever is the latest). And then the answer about your employer contribution should be the same dates (unless your employment ended in between). Hope this helps!

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Pregnancy is such an exciting but also daunting journey, especially as an international couple in a big city like Berlin. The meetups with the other expecting parents have been a great way to feel connected and supported on this journey.

—Alina and Andrzej N., Kietzee Club members

I felt really anxious about finding a Kita in Berlin but using your site and reading your blog really helped. It made my search easier and - even more importantly - reduced my stress regarding the whole process. I didn't use any other resources, so your website was the first and the only stop for me, and it worked!

—Ivan M., Kietzee Club member

Looking for a Kita spot in Berlin is super stressful and Kietzee helped me a lot! Your database made the search easier and I was delighted to read a positive review of the Kita we ended up choosing.

—Ilaria R.

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