Annie Xystouris

Health Coach for Mums



Über 👋

Hi! My name is Annie.

I know what it’s like to feel lost in your role as a mother, to feel frustrated at how unpredictable your life has become.

Perhaps you’re constantly beating yourself up for not feeling like you’re doing a good enough job at home – or at work. Whatever you’re doing it feels like nothing is ever enough and you’re fed up feeling exhausted, stressed and like you’re gasping for air.

If you:

  • Feel physically and mentally drained

  • Are afraid that if things stay how they are, you're heading towards burnout

  • Often feel not good enough

  • Are relying on three lattes and an assortment of sugary treats to get you through the day

  • Know you should be taking better care of yourself, but it feels impossible

You're in the right place.

Parenting is hard, but it doesn’t have to be that hard. When you joined the parenthood club, that didn’t mean you automatically had to join the “exhausted and miserable most of the time until the kids go to university” club.

I’m here to help you overcome those feelings of not enoughness so you can actually start thriving as a Mum. I use my unique combination of Positive Intelligence® and Health Coaching to support you to create doable, but significant shifts in your life so you can experience more calm, space and joy inside and outside your role as a mother.

I am also the co-founder of the Facebook group The other baby feeding group, that offers emotional support for when feeding doesn't go as planned.

This support group was created as a safe space for sharing parents' feeding/breastfeeding journey with others, to find support and acceptance for giving your baby formula, or when struggling through obstacles to breastfeed.

This is not a pro-breastfeeding or a pro-formula group. It does not offer lactation or feeding advice or information. This is a group to promote mental health.

P.S.: Fathers are more than welcome to join my coaching programme :)


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Annie an

4-5 month one-on-one coaching programme: €1780 or 4x€450

  • Access to the Positive Intelligence® programme for a full year (market value 995 dollars)

  • 12 coaching sessions (value: 1080 euros)

  • Unlimited in-between-sessions support via WhatsApp and email

This program will be a good fit if your (youngest) child is 10 months or older, but not before. A truly unique coaching programme that addresses both the mind and the body in every sense of the word.

It starts with a boot camp mental fitness programme (Positive Intelligence®) to help you discover what sabotages your wellbeing, relationships and performance and what to do about it.

We then look at your health and wellbeing from a holistic point of view, addressing lifestyle factors (such as food, stress, sleep, etc) that are impacting your wellbeing and holding you back from being your best self.

(I do not sell supplements nor do any testing.)

Money back guarantee policy if you do the work and don't see any results-check my website for more information.

7 week Positive Intelligence® programme: €1080 or 3x€360

  • Access to the Positive Intelligence® programme for a full year (market value 995 dollars)

  • 7 coaching sessions (value: 1080 euros)

  • Unlimited in-between-sessions support via WhatsApp and email

This program will be a good fit if your (youngest) child is 10 months or older, but not before.

It will empower you to create change towards a more positive mindset to face all the challenges parenthood offers.

We set the foundations of mental fitness which you can then use to apply to your life and situation.

(I do not sell supplements nor do any testing.)

Money back guarantee policy if you do the work and don't see any results-check my website for more information.

Other packages upon request.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.

I am a certified health coach (Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA, 2018).

I am also working towards becoming a certified Positive Intelligence-PQ coach this year (2024).

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