Annie Xystouris

Health Coach for Mums



Über 👋

Hi! My name is Annie.

I am a certified health coach and a mum of two girls, dedicated to helping mums prevent burnout and reclaim their lives.

When I was 10 years old, my mum suddenly passed away. She never got to experience life once her children were older. I am not sharing this to gain sympathy. I am sharing it because this is what gave me my mission to support fellow mums.

I believe that mums deserve to thrive and not just cope, even in those early years. If you feel constantly stressed out and overwhelmed, drained and on the verge of burnout; if you often feel not good enough; if you're relying on coffee and sugar to get you through the day; if you know you should be taking better of yourself, but you don't know where to start; I hear you. It might feel impossible to change, but it isn't.

Give yourself the gift of being YOU and offer your children and partner the best version of yourself. Not in 5, 10 or 15 years’ time. The time is now.

Parenthood is hard and it doesn't go away. But as my mum - unintentionally - taught me, life is short and you deserve to live it well.

I look forward to "meeting" you on a free discovery call!

P.S.: Fathers are more than welcome to join one of my coaching programmes (:))


Unsere Guides können ein Büro haben, Hausbesuche anbieten und/oder Dich an einem vereinbarten Ort treffen.

Angebote ❤️

Schau Dir die Dienstleistungen und/oder Pakete von Annie an

12-week group coaching programme: one-off payment of 950 euros or 3x330 euros

  • Twelve weekly live group coaching calls + one private coaching session for a deeper exploration

  • Includes complimentary access to a 6-week mental fitness programme (Positive Intelligence®).

  • Group messaging support between sessions

This program will be a good fit if your (youngest) child is 10 months or older. It will empower you to create change towards a more positive mind to face all the challenges parenthood offers.

We start by working on your mindset and we touch upon your lifestyle (nutrition, stress management, sleep, etc.).

I do not sell supplements nor do any testing.

Money back guarantee if you do the work and don't see any results.

6 month one-on-one coaching programme: €1590

Prevent burnout and reclaim your life

Includes complimentary access to a 6-week group mental fitness programme followed by bi-weekly private coaching sessions.

My niche is mums who are stressed and overwhelmed - though men are welcome to join too.

This program will be a good fit if your (youngest) child is 10 months or older.

I help you prevent burnout and reclaim your life, by working with you both on your mindset as well as your lifestyle (nutrition, stress management, sleep, relationships).

(I do not sell supplements nor do any testing.)

Money back guarantee if you do the work and don't see any results.

Other packages upon request.

Qualifikationen 🏅

Unsere Guides geben ihre Qualifikationen und Zertifizierungen an, damit wir ihre fachliche Expertise überprüfen können.

I am a certified health coach (Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA, 2018).

I am also working towards becoming a certified Positive Intelligence-PQ coach this year (2024).


Bitte lass Annie wissen, dass Du ihn/sie über Kietzee gefunden hast 🙏

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01794-380 383




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