Man with stroller

How to Choose The Right Stroller for Your Berlin Baby Adventure

Von Lisa H

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 10 January 2024

One of the main purchase decision when having a baby is of course what stroller you’re going to buy. With an overwhelming amount of brands and models available, it can be super hard to choose the right one for you.

That’s why we’re breaking it down for you in this article.

One of the main purchase decision when having a baby is of course what stroller you’re going to buy. With an overwhelming amount of brands and models available, it can be super hard to choose the right one for you.

That’s why we’re breaking it down for you in this article.

First off, we wanted to explain the different types of strollers available (something that was a foreign concept to us when we were expecting our first child!)

There’s basically three different types of strollers that are common in Germany:

  1. Kombiwagen (a stroller that will at first be used with a baby bassinet, which will be switched to a seat once the baby is a bit older.)

  2. Buggies (these are seat-only strollers for older babies and kids, often also collapsable for travel)

  3. Sports Equipment (you can also use bike trailers or jogging stroller from birth (walking only!). This can be a great option for pragmatic and active families that want an all-in-one solution)

Below you will find a list of ten things to take into consideration when purchasing a stroller. Note that we have focused on city dwellers in our explanations.

Have a look and see which of these apply to you (car or no car, walkup/elevator/ground floor apartments, tall parents, etc.).

Here are the 10 things to take into consideration when researching strollers

  1. Make sure the baby bassinet is big enough to last until the baby can switch to the seated position, which is usually not until 6 to 9 months of age. Stiftung Warentest recommends a surface of at least 35 centimeters (width) and 78 centimeters (length).

  2. For the seated position, the back of the seat should be at least 50cm tall. Make the sure you can lay the seat flat so even older kids can take a comfy nap in it. In addition, the footrest should be adjustable. It’s also helpful if you can switch the seat from forward to backward facing and vice versa, since younger kids often prefer to face their parents rather than out into the big, wide world.

  3. Finally, for the seated position, make sure the 5-point harness is not just secure but also easy and quick to use – you may want to test this out in-store.

  4. Tall parents or tight space? Make sure the stroller handle bar can slide up and down to adjust for different parental heights and to fit the stroller into small spaces (think public transport or narrow hallways). For tall parents, the handle bar should slide it to a minimum height of 1.10 meters.

  5. Make sure you choose the right kind of wheels for your main “environment.” For example, if you’ll be visiting small stores regularly, swiveling front wheels are very practical for navigating these tight spaces. Also consider the “driving experience” on cobblestones and navigating up and down curbs on city streets. (Pneumatic wheels on the other hand are better suited for uneven ground, dirt roads or forest trails.) See also if you can push the stroller easily with one hand – you’ll soon find out that you’ll become a one-handed expert in all areas of life!

  6. Protect your baby from the heat and direct sunshine. Make sure your chosen stroller has a large, protective sun cover, allows for good ventilation and features a “peekaboo window.” Light fabric also overheats less quickly than dark fabric (although light fabric is obviously harder to keep clean and may not be as practical when the little ones start with solids and snacks 😬)

  7. Do you live on a higher floor without an elevator? If so, definitely consider the weight of the stroller if you’ll have to carry the baby bassinet up a bunch of lights of stairs regularly. (Carriers and baby slings can also help solve this problem.)

  8. Do you have a car or will you need to fold up the stroller regularly for another reason? If so, make sure the stroller folds up nice and small (or consider purchasing or renting a (travel) buggy for these purposes once your baby is a little bit older).

  9. Speaking of cars, some strollers come with an adapter to plug in the baby car seat. While this might sound practical, babies should never remain in the car seat for longer than necessary.

  10. Make sure your stroller will be visible in the dark either by purchasing a brightly colored stroller or one with reflective tape, which you can also purchase separately.

When you’re ready to go choose a stroller, you may want to take a look at the last couple of Stiftung Warentest reports. Stiftung Warentest is a foundation that was established in 1964 by the German federal parliament with the aim of helping consumers by providing impartial and objective information. Many Germans rely on for their research reports for purchase decisions. Learn more about how they conduct their work.

Last but not least, delivery times can be quite long these days, so make sure you order the stroller in time for your baby’s arrival! (Currently, it’s not uncommon for 3-4 months to pass between placing the order and receiving your stroller.)

Happy strolling!

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