As you're entering month two of your journey to parenthood, learn about finding your care provider(s) and choosing your birth options.

Also, learn about prenatal diagnostics in Germany – what tests are available and how to decide whether to test or not.

Learn about:

  1. How and when to tell your employer about your pregnancy?

  2. An overview of parental benefits in Germany

  3. An overview of all your pregnancy appointments

  4. Prenatal Diagnostics in Germany: NIPT, First Trimester Screening & More

  5. Prenatal Diagnostics: How to Decide Whether to Test or Not

  6. Giving Birth at Home or at a Birthing Center in Berlin

  7. List of Birthing Centers in Berlin

  8. How the German healthcare system works for families

Discover more on Kietzee

🤰🏽Check out upcoming events for expecting parents across Berlin– Kietzee member meetups, workshops and classes (all in English). See events.

👋 See what’s happening in the Kietzee members’ community – ask your questions, score secondhand items or connect with other expecting parents near you. (for Kietzee members only)

❤️ Find an expert to support you on your journey – doulas, paperwork experts, pregnancy massage therapists, coaches and more. Meet our Kietzee Guides.

🎁 Discover our curated collection of special offers and services for you – from free gifts, to exercise classes and videos, to diaper test kits and more. Find a perk.

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Andere Events für Dich

Bevor Dein Baby auf die Welt kommt, zeigen wir Dir Events in ganz Berlin. Sobald Dein Baby auf der Welt ist, schlagen wir Dir Veranstaltungen in Deinem Kiez vor.
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Ausgesuchte Expert*innen für Month 2

Hier sind die Expert*innen, die wir Dir für die Themen empfehlen, mit denen du dich diesen Monat beschäftigst.
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Angebote für Month 2

Hier sind die Angebote, die wir Dir für diesen Monat empfehlen.
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Dies ist ein Vorschau-Monat, der allen Familien offensteht. 🤗