Kita Search Glossary

By Lisa H

Last updated on 16 July 2024

As you’re starting your Kita search, there may be some words that you are unclear to you.

So here’s the Kietzee glossary to Kita search in Berlin (in alphabetical order):

Altersgemischt – mixed group with kids of different ages

Altershomogen – group with kids of the same age

EKT – Elterninitiativ-Kindertagesstätte, see Kinderladen

Elementarbereich – group for kids 3 years and older

Elterninitiative – see Kinderladen

Erzieher/in – Kita educator (male/female)

EV – this could mean either evangelical (usually listed in the beginning of the Kita name or e.V. which stands for "eingetragener Verein", referring to the legal entity of the Kita being a registered association (oftentimes a Kinderladen)

Integrationsstatus – status for kids with special needs

Kindertagespflege – see Tagesmutter

Kinderladen (KiLa) – a Kita run by the parents of the kids attending (Learn more.)

Kita – short for Kindertagesstätte (daycare center)

Kita-Gutschein – the voucher that enables you to sign a contract with a Kita in Berlin (Learn more.)

Kita-Navigator Berlin – Kita search platform by the city of Berlin (Find out if you should use it.)

Krippe – Kita group for kids under 3 years old

Tageseltern – see Tagesmutter

Tagesmutter – Self-employed, licensed daycare professional (Learn more.)

Tagesvater – see Tagesmutter

What other words have you come across that we should add to the list? Email Lisa at [email protected]

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