"Deutschkurs mit Kind" for Expectant Mothers and Parents

Date: Wednesday, 24 April - 19 June
Start: 13:30
End: 15:30
Location: Familienzentrum DAS HAUS
Address: Weidenweg 62, 10247 Berlin

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This course offers the possibility to focus on learning and practising German in a small group. Your kids are very welcome.

Our room is prepared for both - the option to sit at the table and learn for the parents and a lot of options for kids of all ages to play or even sleep.

We will meet 8 times and the fee of 15€ includes the material.

The course is led by a teacher of German as a foreign language. All parents with a B1 / B2 level are welcome to join.

Registration required: Email Paula ([email protected])

€15 per adult.

This event is organized by a third party. Therefore Kietzee does not accept any responsibility for the content, availability or pricing of the event or its taking place.