Kita Search

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Daycare in Germany: A Guide for International Parents

Learn about "Kita" in Germany, including options, concepts, pricing and more.


Private Kitas in Berlin – Are They An Option?

Learn what "private" really means and which Berlin Kitas offer what you're looking for.

How Much Does Daycare (Kita) Cost in Berlin?

Find out how much it costs to send your child to daycare in Berlin – spoiler alert: not much!

How and When to Apply for the Berlin Kita-Gutschein

Learn when you should apply for the Berlin Kita-Gutschein and what to pay attention to in regards to the number of hours provided.


What to Include in Your Kita Application

Create a personal connection when you are applying. Includes a sample application letter.


Video Tutorial: How to Find a Kita in Berlin

Watch this 25-minute video on how to find a Kita (or Tagesmutter) in Berlin, covering each step of the process.


The Ultimate Kietzee Kita-Gutschein Cheat Sheet

A step-by-step English translation guide on how to apply for your Berlin Kita-Gutschein.

Kita Concepts - What You Need to Know

In your Kita search, you will come across a number of different Kita concepts. Learn how concepts work and how they can help you decide.

How to find a Kita spot in Berlin for a 3-year old - from abroad!

Find a Kita spot for a 3-year-old – tips & tricks from Kietzee mom Alina.

What Are Berlin Kitas Like?

Learn what Berlin Kitas focus on to help kids grow and prepare them for school.

How to Find Bilingual Kitas in Berlin

Learn how to find a bilingual Kita in Berlin.

Kita for Under 1 Year Old Babies in Berlin

Learn everything you need to know about securing a daycare spot for a child under 12 months old in Berlin.

Small child building a tower

Kita Concepts: Fröbel

Learn about the Fröbel concept, what to look for in Fröbel Kitas and how to apply the concept at home.


One Mom, Seven Kitas – Learn Her Tips

Learn from Mel who managed to get several Kita offers in Berlin.

Getting Ready for Kita – What to Buy

What are all the things that your child will need when starting Kita? Learn about the basics.

Alternative Childcare Options While Waiting for a Kita Spot

Are you looking for childcare options while waiting for a Kita spot? We’ve got you covered.

I Got Offered Multiple Kita Spots – Now What?

Have you been offered more than one Kita spot? Read this article on how to decide between different Kitas.

Expert Tips: This is how Kita-Eingewöhnung Works

How families cope with the Eingewöhnung at the daycare centre.

Babies and teacher at a daycare center

How to Make Sure Your Child Adapts Well at a German Kita

As an international family in Germany, you may be wondering how your child(ren) will fare in the local daycare system. Here are the answers to the most common questions.

How to find a Kita in Düsseldorf

Here are some tips on how to navigate the Kita system in Düsseldorf and find the right spot for your family.


Getting Ready for Kita – The Infamous Eingewöhnung

What is the Kita Eingewöhnung and how can you prepare for it?

juggleHUB: Co-Working with Childcare in Prenzlauer Berg

Hear from Katja, one of the founders of juggleHUB, a co-working space in Prenzlauer Berg that also offers childcare.

What Nobody Tells You about the First Kita Year

Are you prepared for what's coming at you in the first year or two of Kita? I wasn't so here's my advice for fellow parents!


Getting Ready for Kita in Berlin – Paperwork

You're almost there but of course (this is Germany, after all!) there's a couple of bureaucratic hurdles to clear before your child can start Kita in Berlin.


How to Find a Tagesmutter in Berlin

Get the inside scoop on how to find a Tagesmutter in Berlin.

What is an Elterninitiative? Pros and Cons

Learn about the concept, advantages and requirements of an Elterninitiative Kita.

Children at at a daycare center with an educator

Why Leave a Kita Review

Other Berlin parents need your help! Contribute by adding tips and reviews for your Kita.


How to Follow Up With Your Favorite Kitas

Finding a Kita in Berlin is a marathon, not a sprint. Learn how and when to do your follow-ups. Includes sample wording.


How and Where to Learn about Open Kita Spots in Berlin

Check this article for resources that feature open Kita spots.


Kita versus Tagesmutter – what’s better?

Kita, Tagesmutter, or apply to both? Learn about this alternative to Kitas.


What Type of Kita is Right for You?

Spoiler alert: There's no magic formula but these tips will help you build your Kita list.


How Many Berlin Kitas Should I Apply to?

The answer is – it depends! Learn about the three factors to keep in mind for Kita search in Berlin.

How to Find a Kita in Berlin

A step-by-step guide to make your Berlin Kita search easier.

Kita Search Glossary

Learn what all the different words and terms mean when it comes to Kita search in Berlin.


What Questions Should I Ask When Visiting a Kita?

Congrats, you were invited to visit a Kita! Here's what questions to ask and what to pay attention to.


How to Get a Kita Spot for a Winter Start

Insights on why it is so hard to get a Berlin Kita spot in the winter. Plus, some tips on how to succeed anyways.

Should I Use the Berlin Kita Navigator?

What is the Berlin Kita Navigator or how can it help with your Kita search?

How Berlin Kitas fill their Spots

How Kitas operate and allocate their spots.


Kietzee Checklist for Your Kita Search in Berlin

Here's a checklist to make the Kita search process easier.