We have not been happy with this kindergarten at all. It is very big with 180 kids. Always busy and at times chaotic. Care-givers often leave their own groups and support other groups when their staff are on holiday or get sick. There is a lot of mobility. If you want to leave your kid early or pick up late(after 15.30), he/she may be left with unfamiliar care-givers from other groups because they make it mixed with other groups. In the groups under 3, there are 20 kids. The care-givers often seem frustrated and tired. In my opinion, they speak to the kids very little. As parents, we also experienced lack of communication and transparency. If you have the option, I recommend you choose another kindergarten.
Learn when you should apply for the Berlin Kita-Gutschein and what to pay attention to in regards to the number of hours provided.
Create a personal connection when you are applying. Includes a sample application letter.
Spoiler alert: There's no magic formula but these tips will help you build your Kita list.