German Income Tax declaration is often confusing and stressful for expats and internationals working here.
In this online Tax Preparation workshop, you'll get the basic tools to start getting organised so you get the best from your tax returns/advisor/program. Understanding what needs to be sorted before Dec 31st, and what can be done next year, can save time and frustration.
This 60-min session will cover:
1. Income tax basics. What is income tax? What benefits do I get from doing a tax declaration?
2. Check-list – what do I need to get started?
3. What items might be tax-deductible? What does that mean? What difference does it make?
4. Ways to save more than taxes? Tips and tricks for working expats in Germany.
5. We will also speak about the 2nd Kindergeld - a fairly unknown subsidy for parents (open to all income levels) that long-term results in reduction of rental/living costs.
Afterwards, they can address your individual questions about, including how Elterngeld would influence your taxes, Kindergeld versus Kinderfreibetrag, money parents can claim back for childcare costs (babysitter, school fees...) and more.
This is a free workshop by Expat Helps Expats with limited places. Please be kind and cancel ahead of time, if you know you cannot make it. This gives the waitlist participants a chance.