Ask all your burning questions in this session with OBGYN, Dr. Christine
Christine is a mother of three and has over 30 years experience as a gynecologist specialized in all medical topics around pregnancy and birth.
Book a session with her for only €20 (usually €25) to receive qualified, individual and professional services with a focus individual support and being scientifically up-to-date.
She is here to help you with her skills and contacts in an empathic, honest and individual way.
You can ask her about any of the following topics:
Pregnancy - explaining the German system and the examinations offered here
Explaining medical documents
2nd opinion (all gyencological issues)
Breastfeeding support
12:00-12:15pm: Book this slot
12:20-12:35pm: Book this slot
12:40-12:55pm: Book this slot
13:00-13:15pm: Book this slot