Expecting couple

English Birth Preparation Classes in Berlin

By Lisa H

Last updated on 17 July 2024

Are you looking for a course to prepare for birth in Berlin but in English? We got you covered!

If you're curious about what topics will be discussed in the class, when to take it and how to get it reimbursed, check out this article.

When you're ready to book a class, check out our list below – I would recommend you do so well in advance as English language classes often fill up quickly.

Here’s an overview of professionals and midwife practices that offer (live) birth preparation classes in English:







  • Spree Hebammen – in-person on the weekend (covered by the German health insurance for the pregnant person. The partner fee is €140.)

Prenzlauer Berg





  • Martin Luther Krankenhaus - in-person on certain Saturdays of the year, contact midwife Rashmi Sharma for dates: rashmi.hebamme(at)yahoo.com

Location to be advised

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