Birthing center (Geburtshaus Schöneberg)

Giving Birth at Home or at a Birthing Center in Berlin

By Lisa H

Last updated on 23 July 2024

If you’re considering an out-of-hospital birth in Berlin, you may be wondering what guidelines and processes to follow to explore this option.

First off, there are two option for an out-of-hospital birth:

  1. Traveling to a birthing center (Geburtshaus in German)

  2. Planning a home birth (Hausgeburt in German) at your house/apartment

Both are accompanied by midwives only.

It may be interesting to note that Germany wide, only 1.94% of births took place outside of a hospital (not including those that were meant to take place at the hospital), according to the 2022 statistics. In Berlin, this number was a bit higher (2.59% in 2022).

As of 2024, there are 5 birthing centers (Geburtshäuser) in Berlin. As of 2022, we found around 40 midwives in Berlin who offer home births and/or births at a birthing center.

Read our in-depth article "How to Choose Where to Give Birth in Germany?" for an overview of:

  • Who can opt for an out-of-hospital birth?

  • Why choose an out-of-hospital birth?

  • What are the cons of an out-of-hospital birth?

  • Home birth versus birthing center?

  • What are the risks and how can I learn more?

If you'd like to go ahead and register for an out-of-hospital birth in Berlin, here are your next steps:

📍 Discuss with your partner (if applicable) if want to explore this option. Spots at the birthing centers and with home birth midwives tend to fill up quickly in Berlin, so we recommend you explore this topic early on in your pregnancy.

If you’d like to learn more, check with your closest birthing center(s) about upcoming information sessions. Here's an up-to-date list of birthing centers in Berlin.

For a home birth, you can select this option in the midwife search platforms ammely and Berliner Hebammenvermittlung (see links in our article of midwives). Some of the birthing centers and attending midwives (Beleghebammen) in Berlin also offer home births.

Happy birthing! Sources:

"Gesellschaft für Qualität in der außerklinischen Geburtshilfe" QUAG e.V.

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